Wednesday, April 20, 2022

What is worth learning?


What is worth learning? Learning is about gaining skills, independence and knowledge. We as educators have a job and that is to prepare our students for the future. Being able to learn something that will make a deep connection and will be beneficial is more important than learning something that may create tension or that maybe unnecessary. I choose the quote “begin the process of reparations” because I feel that our education systems need revamping in terms of our curriculums. We need to better prepare our teachers to reclaim our schools as a place of learning and help students feel more safe. 

The biggest thing that is worth learning is how to listen to our students and address any issues they may have, and we must also learn how to accept the values and beliefs of others and learn how to teach them without making anyone uncomfortable. A quote I choose for my poem was “school based racial trauma- every level of education has been affected”. I connected with this quote because one of the things I consider important to learn before we can teach is how to show respect and kindness towards one another and create a curriculum in which no one will be negatively impacted. In fact I think the best way as educators to teach our students is to keep an open mind and learn from and about them and to do this we must create a open space for them to share and express themselves. The key here is to not make anyone uncomfortable, on the contrary we want to make sure we educate our students, provide them the skills that will help them and create a curriculum that is worth learning.  


  1. Hi Alex! I really enjoyed reading your blog response. I think you worded this blog perfectly! I agree, I think as educators we need to make schools feel like a safer place for learning. Schools these days have become a dangerous place to walk into and I think that educators need to create a positive atmosphere for each student. Teachers should make every person of color, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender feel comfortable. A teachers personal beliefs should not allow them to treat certain kids in a negative way. I agree that that teachers should allow an open space in the classroom because it allows yourself, and other students to learn new things. We need to make everyone comfortable in the classroom, because when a student feels uncomfortable, it can create a negative environment. Great post!

  2. Hey Alex, I really enjoyed your blog response. I think you did a wonderful job on explaining "What is worth learning?" Learning is being able to gain new skills, independence and knowledge that is able to prepare us for the outside world and our future. I think as an educator this is an extremely important role to have when it comes to preparing our students for success. I agree with you that the biggest thing that is worth learning is being able to listen to your students.It is key to make sure our students are able to perceive and comprehend skills and knowledge that may be difficult for them. I think being able to listen to their thoughts and questions and concerns they may have is a great tool in letting students know that their voice and their opinions matter. I also like how you worded "one of the things I consider important to learn before we can teach is how to show respect and kindness towards one another and create a curriculum in which no one will be negatively impacted." This I think is extremely important for an educator because, having a curriculum that meets the needs of all students rather than a marginalized half of students is a big deal. It allows students to all be engaged in the lesson and more positively inclined to want to learn and continue to learn. Keeping an open mind and allowing students to create their own open space in which they learn from each other and where we can learn from them. Treating others with respect and kindness also helps in creating a safe space in which no one will or can not be negatively impacted in what happens. Which I think you did an amazing job describing in your blog post.

  3. Hi Alexis! I agree with you that our education systems, especially the curriculum, needs to be revised and really looked at. There are many things that need to be fixed in order to not marginalize students. Listening to our students is very important and crucial whether it is a question or thought their voices matter and we need to take them into consideration. I think as a future educator my main goal is to make sure every child feels comfortable in my classroom. I also think it is important to teach students to respect their peer’s values and beliefs without belittling anyone else. As you stated it is important to teach our students to keep an open mind and learn from their peers that at the end of the day we are all the same regardless of anything. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading your blog this week!

  4. Hi Alexis! Amazing post! I really like how you emphasized that our job as teachers is to prepare our students for their future. Our job isn't to litter their minds with beliefs we have, but instead give them all the information we can and allow them to formulate their own views and beliefs. Again, I agree with you. Our students need to know that we are making a conscious effort to care for and understand them, and when they realize this, it makes the who classroom environment and community run a lot smoother. Great post!

  5. Hi Alexis! I really liked your quote, as I feel that is a very important thing that we as future educators need to do. We need to repair what has been broken within the curriculum, and reinvent it to include all aspects of learning that will help our students be successful. I also really enjoyed the first sentence of your 2nd paragraph, that the biggest thing that is worth learning is how to listen to our students. I think what teachers ( and anyone really) lack in today's world is how to genuinely listen to others' feelings. The classroom needs to be an open place that is accepting of everyone, inclusive, and respectful. Our students need to be willing to learn about the stuff that is truly worth learning, even if it's a topic that may not be easy. We as future teachers need to realize what is worth teaching our students, and we need to do anything we can to help them be as successful as possible.

  6. Hey Alexis, I love your blog, you worded it just perfectly! I really like when you said, "Being able to learn something that will make a deep connection and will be beneficial is more important than learning something that may create tension or that maybe unnecessary." I chose the begin the process of reparations in my blackout poem too because our school system and curriculum needs to change. This is so true, and we should better prepare our teachers to reclaim our schools as a place of real learning. We should make our students feel comfortable and safe in their environment so they can properly learn and reach their full potential. Your so right, we must as teachers learn how to accept the values and beliefs of others and learn how to properly teach them.


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