Wednesday, March 23, 2022

How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession?


How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession? Gender affects the teaching profession in more ways now a days because we are seeing more children and teens come out as transgender, gay or lesbian and teachers are often faced with the difficult task of not knowing how to handle the situation. Teachers are used to the regular norms of boys go to the boy’s bathroom and girls go to the girl’s bathroom or if there as an activity such as a play then boys play the male part and girls play the female play. However now that there have been more children that identify as transgender, some teachers that are more connected with their beliefs find it hard to open themselves to these changes and allowing students to express themselves and refer to them as the gender that they identify with. Although there may be teachers that still believe in the old norms there are teachers that are open to these changes and embrace their students no matter how they identify.
There are some states in which teachers are being forced to out their students if they admit to being transgender or even part of the LGBTQ community and even go as far as expelling them. I myself identify as a gay male and while in school it was hard for me to express myself with my teachers because most of them were still accustomed to the old norms and I was afraid of how I would be treated. As a future educator and gay male, I can definitely say that my classroom will be a safe and open environment for all my students who identify as trans or part of the LGBTQ community, we as teachers must ensure that we create a good environment for all students no matter the gender. 


  1. Hello Alex!
    I think its great that you are open about the way you are because that will be a great way to show not only your feature students, but also students that attend the school you will work at. I know finding your identity can be hard and scary some times especially if its not "normal", but having a role model will be so helpful! I think throughout the years teachers will learn how to handle situations like that better than they do know because we learn as we go.

    1. Hi Andrea, Thank you so much for your reply, I like to use myself as an example a lot because I know what it is like to identify as part of the LGBTQ community and lack that support within the school system. Thankfully I had the support of my family and that a made it easier but I know there are some kids and teens that are not as lucky so I want to become that support they lack :)

  2. Hey Alex! I loved reading your blog this week, it was very insightful and made me sit back and reflect, so I appreciate you for that! I completely agree with everything you said. I think, especially with past generations, a changing society beings along fear and discomfort, which affects many both in and outside the classroom. Not allowing yourself to accept change and learn to grow with the changes will only bring along division. Refraining from exclusive language, assumptions and disrespect is what needs to be constantly practiced in every single one of our daily lives, especially as future teachers. I think all of these things build off the foundation of humility, both for the student and the teacher; once we become willing to build our understanding and our desire to love, then we can truly become the types of educators that we are supposed to be. Great post, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Taylor, Thank you so much for your comment, definitely change is imminent and as a society we must be open to it, especially with people's sexuality. Teachers need to become more aware of these changes and be more accepting of their identities whether they are part of the LGBTQ community or not. I know that as future educators we got this in the bag and will make our students and any else feel accepted and welcomed to embrace themselves :)


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